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January 25, 2012

Simon - 6 months

After 2 reschedules, we were finally able to take Simon's 6 month pictures (a HUGE shout out to Mickey Finn's in Libertyville for letting us use their Amber Room for these pictures).  As you can see, it was definitely worth the wait.  Even though he was still fighting a little bit of a cold, and it was definitely frigid outside, he was a trooper and indulged us.  How beautiful is this family and how handsome is he?  :)

Betty's Baby Shower

I know Betty from work.  She's one of the sweetest people I know, and is seriously one of the cutest pregnant ladies I've seen.  She and her husband have been blessed with a baby boy who they're naming Zack.  I can't wait to meet the little guy!

January 15, 2012

Liz Mazur Photography is now offering albums!

January 08, 2012

Andy, Todd, and Cheezer

Today, I had the pleasure of photographing Ms. Cheezer.  She is absolutely one of the spunkiest 8 year old dogs I've ever seen.  So much energy and such a huge personality.  And her owners, Andy and Todd, they're pretty fun too.  :)